Parish Event Submission & Facilities Reservation

Please Submit Your Event at Least 30 Days in Advance
To ensure proper review and approval by the parish priest, all event submissions must be received at least 30 days prior to the event. Submissions with less notice cannot be accepted and will not be posted on the site.

Event Submission Guidelines

Submit an Event

Fill out the Event Submission Form completely and accurately – what you submit is what will appear on the parish website and calendar.
Upload a clear promotional image (minimum 500px by 500px).
All submissions require parish priest approval.

Purpose of the Event Submission Form

The Event Submission Form serves two purposes:

To provide promotional content for the parish website and calendar.

To facilitate the parish priest’s approval of the event.

Incomplete forms will not be processed.

Privacy Policy

To ensure compliance with our privacy policy, personal phone numbers and email addresses included in event descriptions will not be published on the parish website. While a contact number for the event organizer is required for internal administrative purposes, any additional phone numbers or personal email addresses provided will be removed during the review process. Please ensure that phone numbers and email addresses are not included in the event description.

Facilities Reservation

If your event requires the use of parish facilities, please check availability using the live calendar on the Facilities Reservation Form page.

  • Once you have confirmed availability, complete the Facilities Reservation Form to submit your request.
  • Both forms (Event Submission and Facilities Reservation) must be submitted if your event requires a facility reservation.

Thank you for helping us share your event with the parish!

Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church

2100 Continental Drive, Butte, MT 59701

+1 (406) 723-7889

© 2025 Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church