Visitor's Guide
Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church is a parish of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North & South America.
Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church Was Established To
- Gather God's people together in His Name to share a common Orthodox Christian Faith and hope based on the love of God.
- Affirm the truth of Orthodox Christianity, belief, and experience; proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Preserve and celebrate the cultural heritage of the Serbian Orthodox people.
2100 Continental Drive, Butte, Montana 59701
Church Schedule
Open: Tuesday through Sunday.
Closed: Monday
Vespers: Saturdays and Feast Days, 5:30 p.m.
Divine Liturgy: Sundays & Great Feast Days, 10:00 a.m.
Minor Feast Days: 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday Christian Education Classes: 5:30 p.m.
Fellowship Coffee Hour/Luncheon: Sundays, 12:00 Noon or following liturgy.
For the complete schedule, please visit the Monthly Calendar
Guest Guide
Upon entering the church, guests and parishioners are greeted and receive the Weekly Sunday Bulletin, which includes special prayers, Scripture readings, and parish announcements.
Service books are available in the pews for those who wish to follow along with the Divine Liturgy. The Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is celebrated most Sundays. During Lent, the Liturgy of Saint Basil is celebrated.
Guidelines for Receiving Holy Communion
For Orthodox Christians
Orthodox Christians are called to fully participate in the Eucharist by receiving Holy Communion in accordance with Christ’s command to eat His Body and drink His Blood. Proper preparation includes repentance, fasting, and striving to live in love with one’s neighbors. In addition, communicants are expected to fast from midnight the night before receiving Communion, abstaining from all food and drink, except for medical reasons. Those conscious of grave sin should first seek reconciliation through the Sacrament of Confession. Frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist is encouraged.
For Other Christians
We welcome non-Orthodox Christians to join us in worship. However, we are unable to extend an invitation to receive Communion.
For Those Not Receiving Communion
All are welcome to participate in prayer and unity with the Lord and the congregation. Guests are invited to come forward at the conclusion of the Liturgy to receive the church bread ("antidoron") and to venerate the cross if they wish.
Orthodox Christian Education
Adult Orthodox Christian Studies
Catechism classes are held every Tuesday evening during the academic year, offering an opportunity to deepen understanding of the Orthodox Christian Faith. A light meal is served at 5:30 p.m., followed by the class at 6:00 p.m. All are invited to participate in this time of fellowship and learning.
Sunday School for Children (PK-12)
Regular classes for children and youth are held following the Divine Liturgy during the school year.
Coffee Hour and Luncheon
Following the Divine Liturgy, all parishioners and visitors are invited to join the Fellowship Coffee Hour and Luncheon in the Social Hall. These gatherings, lovingly prepared by our community, are supported by the generosity of those who attend. Donations are gratefully accepted to help cover the cost of the meal and support the church's ministries.
We warmly welcome you to Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church and hope that you will join us in worship, fellowship, and faith.