The Sick

Mother of God. Icon. Artist unknown.
Mother of God. Icon. Artist unknown.
Mother of God. Icon. Artist unknown.

Holy Trinity Church: Ministry for the Sick and Homebound

At Holy Trinity Church, we are deeply committed to supporting our parishioners during times of illness or hospitalization. Due to privacy regulations, hospitals are no longer able to inform us directly when a parishioner is hospitalized. Even when patients request that their pastors or parishes be notified, hospital staff may not always do so promptly. Therefore, if you or an immediate family member is in the hospital or in need of pastoral care, please contact Father Russell, our Parish Priest, or reach out to our church office at +1 (406) 723-7889.

Our pastoral care ministry at Holy Trinity helps ensure that all members, including those who are homebound or hospitalized, remain connected to our faith community. Through this ministry, our priests provide spiritual support through prayer, conversation, and sacraments, offering comfort and connection to our parish family.

Visiting the Sick and Planned Hospitalizations

If a hospital stay is planned, such as for surgery or another medical procedure, we encourage you to notify Father Russell in advance. Planned visits can be arranged to ensure that pastoral support is available when it is most needed.

While Orthodox Christianity does not have a tradition of "last rites," our clergy are available to offer prayers for comfort, peace, and healing, and can administer sacraments such as Holy Confession, Holy Unction, and Holy Communion. These sacraments may be offered at the hospital or prior to a scheduled procedure.

Please note that the Parish Priest cannot administer Holy Communion to individuals who are unable to swallow, are restricted from food intake, or cannot provide consent (such as those who are unconscious or incapacitated). In these cases, Holy Unction is the appropriate sacrament.

While the Parish Priest does not make medical decisions on behalf of patients or families, he is available to offer spiritual guidance and support during difficult times.

Our hospital ministry focuses on the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of patients, honoring their dignity and needs at all times.

Parish Prayer List

Holy Trinity’s parish prayer list, which appears in the Sunday bulletin, is regularly maintained by our office. If you would like to add a name or inform us when someone has recovered, please contact Father Russell. This is one of the ways the whole parish can join in prayer for the sick.

The Fruitful Vine

In addition to our pastoral ministry, Holy Trinity is blessed with a group of parishioners known as The Fruitful Vine, who are dedicated to visiting and supporting the sick and elderly in our parish. For more information about this ministry, please contact The Fruitful Vine.

At Holy Trinity Church, we believe that pastoral care extends beyond the walls of our parish, reaching those who need it most. Whether through a visit, a sacrament, or a prayer, we are here to support the health and spiritual well-being of our entire community. 

Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church

2100 Continental Drive, Butte, MT 59701

+1 (406) 723-7889

© 2025 Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church