
Poulakis Theodoros. The Archangel Michael. 1650–1699. Icon.
Poulakis Theodoros. The Archangel Michael. 1650–1699. Icon.
Poulakis Theodoros. The Archangel Michael. 1650–1699. Icon.

The senior ministry at Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church serves the spiritual and social needs of elderly parishioners, offering them care, companionship, and connection to the life of the Church. This ministry includes regular visits by clergy and volunteers to homebound or elderly members, providing them with the sacraments, prayer, and emotional support. In Serbian Orthodoxy, the elderly are deeply respected as bearers of faith and tradition, and the Church ensures that they remain engaged in the liturgical and communal life, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity. This ministry embodies the Orthodox values of honoring the elderly and ensuring their well-being within the Church community.

Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church

2100 Continental Drive, Butte, MT 59701

+1 (406) 723-7889

© 2025 Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church