Parish Council
Gary Otteson President
Peter Lucon Vice President
Tracey Thun Treasurer
Beth Rader Financial Secretary
Sarah Barry Recording Secretary
Jeremy Widman Member at Large
Mike Adams Member at Large
Parish Council Meetings & Participation
The Parish Council convenes on the second Sunday of each month.
If you would like to submit a matter for the council's consideration, please contact the Board President. For those wishing to provide input or participate in discussions on current agenda items, we encourage you to reach out to the Members at Large.
Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public benefit corporation in active and good standing with the IRS and the State of Montana. Established in 1939 and registered under Filing Number D019180, contributions to the church are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our principal address is 2100 Continental Drive, Butte, MT 59701.